Sunday 1 September 2013

Final Weekend

This is the last weekend during the assignment, leading into the final week. It won't be long before we're all heading home.

To close out the business plan, which is the key deliverable for our assignment, we asked to have a session with the key stake holders to take them through a draft of the plan and validate the assumptions that we've used in the financial model. It should allow us to make changes and updates based on their feedback for the final plan. The feedback session has been set up for Monday morning. It seems this'll be the most significant presentation in the time we're here, so much of the weekend has been spent preparing.

Yesterday we spent some time at the local market, which's a short Auto Rickshaw ride over to the other side of town. Some of the team have gotten used to the idea of hanging off the back of the Rickshaw.

Some of the team were shopping for Bandanai(Sorry it's not much of a photo.)

Some were shopping for spices, particularly saffron.

Some were just taking in the sights.

#ibmcsc india

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